Easy Steps to Enhance Liver Function
Liver function may not top the list for things you think about, but like other organs, when it’s operating well, you feel better. I’d like to talk about how you know if liver function needs improvement, and then I’ll give you some easy steps you can take to enhance your liver function.
Liver Function – how can I tell?
How do you know your liver needs help? Your body can give you symptoms after eating. The bowels can be sluggish. Emotionally you might feel impatient and even angry. There are easy ways to know your improvements that we can talk about in person.
The liver on a spiritual level represents what you feel you are accomplishing in your life. At this time of year, it is easy to get into the routine of getting through the days to get through the cold season. It can also though be the best time of reflection. What have you done in your life that you always hoped you would do? What could you do more of going forward?
Being aware of daily proactive liver enhancement goes a long way to support the blood, immune system and balancing toxins. Poor habits can easily lead to fatty liver disease or worse.
Easy Steps to Follow
Here are some physical things you can do each day:
- Eat the following:
- ½ a red apple
- 1 to 2 tablespoons of soluble fibre like psyllium leaf (not powder)
- a medium carrot
- 2 radishes.
- If you are concerned about liver function, you can avoid all fats and oils for 2 to 4 days per week with the previous foods and know that the liver can heal very quickly.
On the spiritual level, you can make a list of your accomplishments and consider one or two more things you would like to do this year. Spend time on these goals and determine how they will enhance your life.
When you feel good about yourself, your liver is strong. If you feel the liver needs more help, there are many herbal aids like milk thistle and dandelion. Vibrational remedies are very effective without causing stress on the rest of the body.
Enjoy the quiet reflection of your life and winter. You will have so much to enjoy in the warmer weather!