Being a Medical Intuitive Helps Me Find and Heal the Root Cause
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Healing the Bones
My name is Kathy Walker, and I’m a medical intuitive. I work with clients to heal many chronic and acute conditions they have by finding the root cause of their symptoms. Often the root cause is something other than what their symptoms may lead them to believe is the problem.
My healing work
I’d like to show you an example of how I heal the body by describing the process of helping a client recover from a broken bone. I had the opportunity to work with someone who fell on the ice this year and broke her ankle. After x-rays and evaluation, the doctor recommended my client wear a soft boot for 24 hours a day over the course of several weeks. They waited for the bone to heal. At the end of the treatment period, the last evaluation indicated the bone was only 20% healed! She was shocked.
This person was already on the right path, spending much time taking care of her energy and diet. She was also getting acupuncture, working with a naturopath, and doing lymphatic work. Since she’s self employed with no disability plan to support her as she recovered, she was even more anxious for faster and deeper healing.
Intuitive Scan of the Body
When I began working with her, I first scanned the body. I could tell right away that the main bone affected was the base of the fibula (the main bone of the lower leg). Often with ankle injuries, I have seen the actual ankle or talus affected, but this was definitely the fibula.
Checking in
Working as I do as a medical intuitive, my next step was asking the body if taking a homeopathic for broken bones would heal this issue. No, the body answered. Both acute conditions, such as a fracture, or ongoing issues like arthritis, osteoporosis, and aging – something none of us can avoid – can weaken not just the bones but tire the whole body. Bone marrow creates our blood. Whenever the bone marrow gets weak, it creates weak blood. Weak blood creates a tired and low immune body.
Digging Deeper
She was waiting for this long bone to heal. Now the whole picture was starting to make sense. Looking further with intuition and homeopathy, the answer came that there was bone decay. The root cause was now clear. Past experience with other clients, who had bone issues, told me that this was the place to start the deep level healing. I found an appropriate remedy for decay. More intuitive work brought me to the understanding that deeper healing was needed in the circulation around the bone. I could now add the remedy for fractured bones with a greater effect.
This client presented with a bone fracture. Through my medical intuition work, I found that by healing the bone decay, deep circulation issues, and bruising, the body would be well on its way to healing the fibula fracture.
Future Work
The next level of healing, which we can start in about a month when this first treatment is complete, is to determine why the bone was decaying. The body had already shown me that the kidneys were not working well. My client said her mother had severe osteoporosis at her age. The next step would be healing the kidneys so that they would rebuild the bones stronger to avoid decay. She had a tendency for kidney stones in her health history as well. A great percentage of kidney stones are made from incompletely utilized calcium from the diet. Here was further evidence of the kidneys not using calcium to rebuild. This explained why eating a good diet and taking supplements were not giving her the health returns she expected.
Once we address kidney function, I will work to ensure the metabolism is working well. That way, all the good food she eats can be absorbed to create the raw materials to completely rebuild her body at all times.
Everyone is Unique
I often work the opposite way on bone pain. I might look at the diet for appropriate rebuilding foods, focusing on animal protein and vegetables. This would generate good metabolism involving all the 5 digestive organs as well as the intestines. Then I would move on to proper kidney function to utilize the digested foods in rebuilding. Adequate cellular rebuilding on the level of the bones, then strong blood from strong bone marrow. In this case, the bone problem was evident right away from the fracture, so I dug deeper through the bone issue until I found the root cause from that direction.
Just like cooking a good meal, we start by gathering all the ingredients of healing. For this client, I recommended all the healing ingredients, and now we will start to create the deep bone healing. I will know more next month and let you know how this healing progresses.
With Gratitude
It has been rewarding to see my past cases work out so well. People with ankle pain from even 10 years ago were able to heal and get to the place where there was no discomfort, restoring total mobility again! I am thankful for my medical intuition and I feel such gratitude in being able to help others by sharing it with them.
See some of my other blogs for more bone articles. Let me know if you have any joint or back pain. I am happy to speak to you by phone to give you an overview of what would be needed in your case. I can help you get to the root cause of what ails you.
If you recall, the woman I worked with had only 20% healing from the remedies she was on and the lymphatic and other healing work she was doing. Once I recommended taking a remedy for bone decay, her healing went from 20% to 50% healed in 2 weeks according to her doctor’s assessment. The next remedy I recommended was for the kidneys. In Chinese medicine, the kidney meridian goes through the ankles, so healing the kidneys would strengthen the ankles. When you wonder why it was the ankle that broke, the answer is often due to weak kidneys. My client is happy with the remedies and insight and how the ankle is really coming along.